How to Check if Eggs Are Spoiled: A Step-by-Step Guide

Eggs are a staple in most kitchens, whether you're an avid cook or someone who simply enjoys a good omelet. But, how do you know if your eggs are still fresh or if they've gone bad? In this article, we will guide you through the steps to check if your eggs are spoiled and how to store them properly to keep them fresh for a longer time.

Understanding Egg Spoilage

Egg spoilage is a common concern for many people, especially those who consume eggs on a regular basis. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including temperature, humidity, and contamination. Once an egg becomes spoiled, it can pose a serious health risk if consumed. Therefore, it's important to know how to identify signs of spoilage before consuming the egg.

Did you know that the protective coating on an egg is called a bloom? This coating helps to prevent contamination and keep the egg fresh for longer. However, the bloom can be easily removed through washing or handling, leaving the egg vulnerable to bacteria such as salmonella. That's why it's important to always handle eggs with care and avoid washing them unless absolutely necessary.

Causes of Egg Spoilage

In addition to the removal of the bloom, high temperatures and humidity can also accelerate the growth of bacteria in eggs. This is why it's important to store eggs in a cool, dry place, such as the refrigerator. Keeping eggs at room temperature can increase the risk of spoilage and make them unsafe to consume.

Contamination can also be a major factor in egg spoilage. This can occur during the laying process, when bacteria from the hen's feces can come into contact with the eggshell. It can also happen during handling or packaging, which is why it's important to buy eggs from a reputable source and always check for cracks or other damage to the shells.

Signs of Spoiled Eggs

There are several signs that indicate an egg has gone bad. These include:

  • An unusual or foul smell

  • Discolored or cloudy egg white

  • A bloated or flat appearance

If you notice any of these signs, do not consume the egg. It's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to food safety.

In conclusion, understanding egg spoilage is an important part of food safety. By knowing the causes of spoilage and how to identify signs of spoilage, you can help to protect yourself and your family from the harmful effects of consuming spoiled eggs. Remember to always handle eggs with care, store them properly, and check for signs of spoilage before consuming them.

Methods for Checking Egg Freshness

Now that you understand the causes of egg spoilage and signs to look out for, let's discuss how to determine if an egg is still fresh. But why is it important to check egg freshness anyway? Well, consuming expired eggs can lead to food poisoning, which can cause severe symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Therefore, it's crucial to know how to check if an egg is still fresh before consuming it.

The Float Test

One of the easiest and most common ways to check egg freshness is the float test. First, fill a bowl with cold water and gently place the egg into the bowl. Did you know that this method works because eggshells are porous, allowing air to penetrate and evaporate over time? If the egg sinks to the bottom and lies flat on its side, it's fresh. If it stands on one end or floats to the surface, it's not fresh and should be discarded.

The Shake Test

The shake test is another simple method to check for freshness. Hold the egg up to your ear and gently shake it. If you hear a sloshing sound, the egg is not fresh as the yolk and egg white have started to mix together. This happens because the air pocket inside the egg expands as it ages, causing the yolk to move around and mix with the egg white. If you don't hear anything, it's still fresh.

The Sniff Test

Another approach to determine freshness is the sniff test. Simply hold the egg up to your nose and take a whiff. Did you know that this method works because eggs release gases as they age, which can cause unpleasant odors? If it has a strong, unpleasant odor, it's no good. If it smells like nothing or has a faint and mild odor, it's fresh.

The Visual Inspection

The final method of checking for freshness is the visual inspection. This involves looking at the egg and checking for any cracks, discolorations, or strange textures on the shell. While these may not necessarily mean the egg is bad, it's best to discard it if you notice any of these abnormalities. Additionally, did you know that the color of the eggshell doesn't affect its freshness or nutritional value? It's just a characteristic of the breed of chicken that laid the egg.

Now that you know how to check for egg freshness, it's important to store your eggs properly to prolong their shelf life. Keep them in their original carton in the refrigerator, as the cool temperature slows down the aging process. Avoid storing them in the door of the fridge, as the temperature fluctuates too much. By following these tips, you can ensure that your eggs are fresh and safe to consume!

How to Store Eggs Properly

Proper storage is key to keeping eggs fresh for as long as possible. Generally, it's best to store eggs in their original carton and keep them in the refrigerator at a temperature of around 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ideal Temperature and Humidity

Eggs should be stored in an environment with a low humidity level and cool temperature. Avoid storing eggs in the refrigerator door as they're exposed to warmer air and temperature fluctuations due to frequent opening and closing of the door.

Storing in the Refrigerator

Place the eggs in their original carton on a shelf in the main section of the refrigerator. Avoid storing eggs near foods with strong odors, such as onions or garlic, as they may absorb the odor of the food.

Storing in the Carton

Storing eggs in the carton they came in may help to protect them from moisture loss and reduce the risk of contamination. The carton has a label with the expiration date, allowing you to keep track of the eggs' freshness.

Frequently Asked Questions About Egg Freshness

How long do eggs last?

Eggs can last up to five weeks in the refrigerator if stored properly in their original carton.

Can you eat eggs past their expiration date?

The expiration date on the carton is usually an indication of when the eggs are at their freshest. However, eggs can still be safe to consume up to three to five weeks after the expiration date, as long as they've been stored properly and there are no signs of spoilage.

How to tell if hard-boiled eggs are spoiled?

One way to test if a hard-boiled egg is still fresh is to peel it and check for any discoloration or bad smells. If it looks and smells fine, it's safe to eat. If you notice any signs of spoilage, discard the egg.


Checking if eggs are spoiled is an essential skill for all cooks and egg enthusiasts. Whether you're using the float test, shake test, sniff test or visual inspection, it's important to keep an eye out for any signs of spoilage. By employing the methods for checking freshness and storing eggs properly, you can enjoy your eggs for longer periods and avoid any health risks associated with spoiled eggs.


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