Your CutWaste app just got smarter. Again!

Hello Warriors,

We’re back again with some fun upgrades 😊

Pantry analytics

Some of us think that we cannot fix what we don’t understand. And given our busy lives, who has the time to think about how our kitchen runs? 🙃 Not to worry.. CutWaste will now give you hassle free analytics to help you get a pulse on your kitchen. How much do you waste, and how does that compare to others? What types of food do you waste? How much do you pay for specific foods? And this is just the beginning. We have so many more insights we want to build into the app for you.🤓 Because, what we cannot understand, we cannot fix.


Shop smarter, with integrated insights!

Would we buy lesser of something if we knew that we frequently trashed it? 🤔 We believe so. CutWaste will now give you integrated insights in your shopping list. 😃 Just head over to your shopping list tab to see items that are no longer in your pantry, and watch out for the little ‘Frequently trashed’ pills. These are items you might want to buy in smaller quantities going forward. You will also see integrated insights in all your item pages. 💃 You can see how often you buy it, how often you trash it, and how much you pay for it on average.


Search your pantry

This one hardly a novelty 😁, but a highly anticipated feature all the same. As our users’ pantries have started to get bigger, this feature has been sorely missed. So, here you go… Find the search bar at the top of your pantry tab and search away..


That’s it for now. We can’t wait to hear about your experience using these features. Keep the feedback coming. :)


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